Artist Series: Georgia O’Keeffe
Georgia O’Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887. She grew up on a farm in Wisconsin and was one of seven children.
After graduating high school in 1905, she studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and the Art Students League of New York. During that time she learned traditional painting techniques.
Four years later she experimented with abstract charcoal drawing after studying the ideas of Arthur Wesley Dow, a revolutionary American artist.
By the mid-1920s, Georgia O’Keeffe was highly regarded as a successful artist, known for her paintings of New York.
In 1929 O’Keeffe took her first trip to New Mexico, where she found inspiration and beauty in the desert landscape and Native American and Hispanic culture. This inspired her painting for the next two decades.
Georgia O’Keeffe died in Santa Fe, New Mexico on March 6, 1986. She was 98 years old. She is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and is known for her contributions to modern art.
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