Educator Spotlight: Art Instructor Gwen H.


Educator spotlight: Gwen H. teaches art, painting, illustration, photography, ceramics, sculpture, film & TV editing.


What Subject Areas Do You Teach?

  • Art Lessons: Painting, Illustration, Photography, Ceramics, Sculpture, and TV & Film Editing
  • Academic Tutoring: SAT Prep, English, Social Studies

Where did you receive your education?

  • University of California, Los Angeles, B.A. in Art and Art History
  • Educated in fine arts: drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, sculpture

What’s the most rewarding part of being an art teacher?

When things click for students, students start implementing techniques on their own. It’s rewarding seeing the things you’ve taught taking effect.

What are the most common areas you see your students struggling? How do you help them in art lessons?

A lot of times it’s the creative aspect– pushing students to create what they want to create instead of copying what other people do or what they think they should do. To help with that, we’ll do visualization and creative method activities.

I also see students struggle with technique. To help them, I like to teach by doing, and I’m also patient. Students will get it if they keep working on it.

What do you enjoy doing outside of art lessons?

Making my own art, reading, gardening, hanging out with friends, going to the farmers market, and cooking.

What do you think makes Hodis Learning & Music a great service and company to work for?

I think the individual nature that HLM emphasizes when working with students makes it unique and great. You get so much more working one-on-one with students than you would in a class because each student is different.


Read more about Gwen here.