Some Final Thoughts on 2021
Hello HLM community! As we approach 2022 in a matter of days, we can’t help but reflect on how wonderful and fulfilling this year has been, even amid so many challenges. We could not have accomplished all that we did without the help of so many people. Because of this, we want to acknowledge and thank everyone who helped make 2021 a memorable year!
Thank you for your dedication to ensuring our students received the best education and experience.
You tirelessly and graciously assisted students in learning new concepts, studying for exams, practicing chords, and performing songs.
Your expertise and commitment are so valuable and appreciated!
Thank you, students, for making this year memorable and for being the reason we at HLM do what we do! We love helping you and seeing those “Aha!” moments when you finally understand a concept or nail that technique or piece you’ve been practicing.
We know school isn’t always easy, and we know improving your musical skills can be frustrating at times. But we are so grateful that you listen to and work with us. We hope you can see how rewarding learning can be and, dare we say it, even fun at times.
We look forward to working with you more in the new year, and for some of you, seeing you soar without our help anymore!
Thank you for trusting us to help your children with their academic, music, and art education. Your support helps exponentially and shows how much you care about your students’ success.
Thank you for coordinating session times, helping your children study outside of tutoring sessions, encouraging your children, and supporting our teaching methods. We are grateful for all you do.
We are very fortunate to be supported by some incredible organizations and individuals.
Thank you to:
- The South Pasadenan News and Nexusplex Business Development Agency
- The various publications that featured our business
- The stores that hung up our signs
- The teachers who referred students to us
- And anyone else who gave time, support, and resources to help us grow!
We could not and cannot continue to help more students without you all.
We wish you all a healthy, happy, and safe holiday season. Here’s to a happy and healthy year ahead!